What Our Clients Say

We strive to be business partners and trusted advisors to our clients. The strong recommendations we receive tell us we are achieving our goal and delivering value to our clients.

Happy clients are our goal and our best success story!

Sergio P.
e-commerce business

Ability to Insert Herself into Organizations

and Work Across Departments

“I have known Kathy for 20 years, and have worked with her in two companies. Kathy is a very resourceful professional, with great attention to detail, and the ability to insert herself into organizations and work across departments to get things done. At Quill, she was hired to manage a complex re-branding packaging process, with a scope of several thousand products. She tackled it with ruthless focus, added value by questioning each SKU, and got it done on time and budget. Her great can do attitude is a reason we keep going back to her for new projects and assignments.”


High Ethical Standards and Exquisite Follow-Thru

“Rarely do the qualities of superior strategic thinking, above average problem solving and objective assembly of fact-based insights in addressing complex business management situations come together in one person better than with Kathy. Having had the privilege of engaging Kathy in numerous time and client sensitive initiatives, her repeatable, predictably high quality and above reproach contributions have served projects, project teams and clientele well above expectations… routinely, comprising the critical element to achieving a successful outcome. In addition, Kathy’s executive leadership skills, commitment to high ethical standards and exquisite follow-thru were routinely demonstrated in our work together serving on the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) Board of Directors. Kathy’s top tier management consulting competency and fully engaging active participation in our projects is routinely welcome and completely referenceable. I am fortunate to know Kathy and can recommend her potential engagement by others without reservation.”

Mike S.
President, Managing Partner
B2B service business

Paul B.
Merchandising &
e-commerce business

Always Goes Above and Beyond

No Matter How Challenging

“I have had the good fortune of working with Anovia Consulting over the last 5+ years. With every project they have engaged in, they always go above and beyond no matter how challenging.  In short Anovia Consulting has been a tremendous asset.  Their financial acumen coupled with the ability to look at projects from a global perspective is a hard skill set to find. Additionally, the diversity of experience ranging from financial analysis, process management, to branding and merchandising helps create more balanced results…she is very outgoing and a great person to work with!”

She Really Cares About Her Work and Her Clients

“I believe that what makes Kathy’s work especially valuable is that she really cares about her work and her clients. She’s motivated more by the impact that her work could have than the fee that it earns her. Few consultants have the full background – strategy, operations, finance and accounting– that she has.

For help in a range of areas – from simply establishing a firm’s value up through turning around a firm’s operations and profits – Kathy has the skills and attitude to achieve results that few have. I definitely recommend bringing in Kathy when you have a tough situation that needs to be fixed right, and fixed now.”

Dave T.
B2B service company

Kellie S.
Director of Operations
Non-profit organization

Brought a New Perspective to the Team

“Anovia Consulting led me and my team in creating our first ever strategic plan. During the regular meetings with the core team, they were knowledgeable and good listeners. They brought a new perspective to the team and led an analysis of our competitors – which was never done before – and it proved to be beneficial. Because of their strong leadership, we ended up with a great plan that was useful and impactful for all areas of the operation. It was a pleasure working with Anovia Consulting; I learned so much!”

Excels at Seeing the Big Picture

as well as Executing on the Details

“I hired Anovia Consulting to lead a large own brand repackaging project. They created the repackaging process, developed and presented the training materials (customized to each audience) and then successfully implemented the process for nearly 2400 SKUs. Anovia excels at seeing the big picture as well as executing on the details. They worked well with people from multiple internal departments as well as with our vendors. They learned the intricacies of our organization very well and added value beyond the packaging project. They are trustworthy, resourceful and dedicated. I would hire Anovia Consulting again and highly recommend them to others.”

Jenny P.
Senior Manager
Digital & e-commerce business

Tom S.
Manufacturing Company


Demonstrating Skill and Knowledge

in Every Aspect of Business Operations

“I would like to take this opportunity to recommend an outstanding business consultant to you. Kathy Knapp recently completed our company's valuation portfolio for succession planning.  Demonstrating skill and knowledge in every aspect of business operations, Kathy was even able to make some recommendations which we had not thought of before. Her research and information gathering skills are surpassed only by her compelling presentation of findings and recommendations for our valuation.

I am looking forward to working with Kathy on our next project together and her fresh and professional perspective. If you are looking for a business consultant to make a positive impact on your company I believe Kathy is the person to help you achieve that. Please feel free to contact me should you have questions or want to discuss Kathy’s qualifications further. “

Strong Financial, Modeling and Interpersonal Skills

"I've known Kathy Knapp for more than 25 years since college and she’s worked for me for 6 years… Kathy has strong financial, modeling and interpersonal skills. She’s fantastic at process and procedure and handles tough, tense situations well. I call Kathy a do-er. She just gets stuff done–efficiently, effectively, independently and thoroughly. She makes decisions, she seeks responsibility, she takes initiative and she resolves issues. She’s a superb person and a great colleague.”

Michael K.
B2B service firm

Dave T.
B2B service company

Unlocked Possibilities that

We had Not Previously Considered 

"The primary owner was thinking ahead to retirement and wanted to know what the agency was worth. He wanted to be ready for the negotiations with a buyer or for transferring his interest to his junior partners. Of course, he also wanted to know what he needed to do to increase its value and its marketability.

…really dug in to understand our firm’s strengths and weaknesses. Although she is a CPA, she didn’t just look at the financials. These, after all, just showed where the firm had been. She wanted to understand where the firm could go. Reaching toward that potential could make the firm more marketable and raise its value in a sale.

She developed a matrix of possible actions and results that unlocked possibilities that we had not previously considered. She suggested positive steps that could pay off. Her work went far beyond simply establishing the firm’s current value."

Thinks Strategically but also has a

Great Ability to Dive into the Details

“Kathy and I worked together on numerous valuation projects. She thinks strategically but also has a great ability to dive into the details. Kathy is very good at understanding the big picture (researching the industry, learning the target company, etc.) and assessing company strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to the business. She understands the financials and drivers of cash flow. She combines all of this to develop well-supported valuations. I trust Kathy and enjoy working with her.”

Mark K.
B2B service firm